Are you ready for an amazing online party??
This time we will do it in a special way.
10PM (CET)
Because for the very first time ESN Malta, Luxembourg and Cyprus are joining forces and bringing you the “SMALL COUNTRIES - BIG TUNES” event.
In this party we are inviting all Erasmus students to join us for an online party where you can meet new people, enjoy great music and of course to have an unforgettable night.
DJ Robin C will take over by smashing up the decks all night long LIVE from Malta‼️
Link to join the party: (Link posted later date)
Time: 22:00 - 1:00
When: 25th of April, Saturday
Music: Tech/house
25/04/2020 - 22:00 to 26/04/2020 - 21:45
- Everyone is invited.
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